January 1, 2007! Wow! How time flies. I find myself at this time every year thinking back on the old, as well as, what lies ahead in the new. I wonder what's in store for me in this new year that is now our present. But, I really shouldn't worry too much about it at all. What happens happens. It's not in my plan nor my control. The key is that I must be prepared for it. I need to be and should be so grounded in the Word that my world does shake very easily with such circumstances. Yes, easier said than done. I said, "that it won't shake very easily"--I didn't say it shouldn't be shaken at all. ; ) Thus, bringing me to my next thought:
New Year's Resolutions. What is a resolution exactly and why do we feel we have to make these grand decisions come January 1st and why not at any other time of the year. Every day is a brand new day, so why not make daily resolutions?
According to Webster, the word resolution means:
*a formal expression of opinion or intention made
*a resolve or determination
*firmness of purpose
Now, I'm just as guilty. I've already thought of several 'resolutions' or 'determinations' or 'formal expressions of intentions' for the New Year. And I have a 'firmness of purpose' about them. To name a few: get in the Word more-remember, I should be more prepared for circumstances I should face. It's really the little things that seem to rattle me more than they should. I also need to exercise, eat better and read more.
Now the first thing in accomplishing any of these is to set realistic 'intentions'. I can't say I can do any of those things daily, 'cause I know I've already set myself up for failure. I just know I need improvement in these areas and hopefully by posting them here, I will hold myself more accountable.
*For one, as crazy as it sounds, I've bought myself an iPod to motivate me more to excercise. I'm sorry, but that's how my mind sees it! ha! I've already downloaded lots of great songs and also some great
Beth Moore talks, too. I'm really excited to get out and start walking while listening to Beth Moore! How great is that!!
*I also said I needed to 'eat better'....never the 'd' word; I simply don't believe in diets. Diets fail. Heathly lifestyles don't. We usually diet for a specific time or purpose; a heathly lifestyle promotes a change much deeper and for a different purpose, and well, lasts a lifetime. : ) I actually don't do too bad with this one, I just need to get better. Oh, and drink more water!
So if you have any 'intentions' or resolutions you would like to share, please leave me a comment, I would love to hear them.
And as you think about your own resolutions or intentions or just whatever you want to call them, I leave you with my final resolution. Make more daily resolutions instead of waiting until the new year comes around! : )